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Work accepting deadline - 15.02.2007

1. „PHODAR” Foundation, under the guidance of the Mayor of the Pleven Municipality, organizes the Fourth Annual „PHODAR” Biennial under the motto „Identitys”. The Salon is opened for authors from all over the world.

2. We accept monochrome and color works from 25 to 50 cm one side, without carton and unframed. Works which appeared at the previous editions of the Salon will not be accepted. The Biennial accepts media products - installations based mainly upon a photographic image as an information bearer.
Installations must be adapted for presentation on paper, dimensions conforming to the regulations, videocassette or CD, with actual dimensions denoted. Approved and awarded projects should be exposed within the frames of the Biennial.

3. At the back of each work, bottom right, please put down title, year of making the picture, the address and the name of author, country, number of the work andr scheme of order of exhibiting of series and cycles.

4. Works to be sent to:
P. O. Box: 55, 1510 Sofia BULGARIA
as a registered postage without a declared value.
Please write the sender's address on each packing to make things easier when sending them back.

Installations transport fees are covered (in both directions) by the author.

In connection with the change of the post fee, the authors, who send the post fee for shipping back works:

for parcels with weigh
under 2 kg – 20 Euro for parcel
under 4 kg – 25 Euro for parcel
under 5 kg – 30 Euro for parcel

or stamped international postage coupons for the same sum, will receive their works accordingly Calendar of the Salon.

5. The works will compete in the following areas:
1-st area includes dossier of 5-12 photographs with coherent sounding.
2-nd area is for individual works.
3-rd area ·Photoschool· is for authors who are still studying or at the beginning of their career. The above requirements are valid for them, but at the back of each work they have to write ·Photoschool·

6. Each photographer can participate in:
1-st area - with 1 dossier
2-nd area - up to 5 works
3-rd area - with 1 dossier and 5 separate works

7. The organizers keep their right to copy the works received for the purposes of the Salon's publicizing.

8. Collective participants /clubs, photography societies, associations and other/ receive free catalogue. Everyone can buy catalogue at the cost of 5 Euro. Bank transfers and cheques are not accepted.

9. Prizes:
Big 500 EUR
I area 300 EUR
II area 200 EUR
III area 150 EUR
Special prize of the Salon - statue ·PHODAR·
·Samsung· prize
Additional prizes from different companies (objects).
Awarded works remain property of the Salon.

10. Salon Calendar
Work accepting deadline - 15.02.2007
Jury Session deadline - 15. 03.2007
Exhibitions - 11.05 - 11.06.2007,
“Ilia Beshkov” Art Gallery - Pleven,
Opening - 18·30
The exhibition will be accompanied by authors' and collective exhibitions and a two-day seminar “Identitys”.
The works that have not been accepted will be returned by 30.06.2007
The works accepted will be returned by 30.06.2008

International jury.
е-mail: style33@mail.bg, antoanbo@mail.bg