issue 1, year XV, 2008 |
N. E. MR. Anatolii Potapov
Ambassador of the Russian Federation To Bulgaria Before "Europe 2001" magazine
Interview by Valentin Kostov
Page 4
Russia - a statistic portrait By materials of Federal Tourism Agency of Russian Federation
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The Russian Federation is a multinational country with a federal structure and republican norms of go-vernment. It takes the seventh place in the world for its number of people. The Russian area is 17,075 million square km.
For the last 10 years Russia has been working with a new economical system, which by its basic parameters, is corresponding to the market system. The upgrading of the system is still in process. Thanks to the market mechanisms the country manages to detain a steady economical growth.
As far as the results are concerned, Russia takes place between the fastest growing countries in the world and its credit rating is essentially growing. The key factor for purchasing the acceleration in the stature of the development is the revealing of the intensive modernization of the economy. This takes place by using the total investment and innovational potential. One of the factors for the development is the investment in the human resource. The task is to form a steady middle-class as a basis of the social country, which the new Russia is trying to reach to.
Russian Cultural Informational Center
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The relationships Bulgaria - Russia, positive dynamics in the European dimensions
By Z. Latev
Page 9
Bulgaria has one of the richest opportunities for expansion in the relationships with the Russian Federation.
There is an intimacy between our nations, which has been forming for centuries. The relationships are under the strong influence of processes, which have spread all over East Europe and the former Soviet Union at the end of XX and the beginning of XXI century.
The two countries have common interests in the activities of the regional and international organizations.
Bulgaria has its contribution to the relationships between Russia and the European Union , it also takes part in the debate within the bounds of the Council Russia - NATO. This is a new base for developing the relationships between Bulgaria and Russia and their modernisation.
Grigorii Rostovski: the greatest union of Russian businessmen working actively with Bulgarian partners
Interview by Lev Kokushkin
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The year of Russia in Bulgaria
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The defence of Shipka - strategy and rush
By Kir Lemzenko
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In April 1877 Russia declared war on Turkey, which finished with a victory for Russia and speeded up the process of dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.
The military operations for the liberation of Bulgaria were conducted according to the plan of General N. N. Obruchev. He recommended that two units should be raised on the Balkans - a unit for attack and a security unit.
Both the Russian and the Turkish armies realized the significance of the Shipka pass. It was essential for the Turks to seize the pass and it was essential for the Russians to hold it by all means. The defence of the Shipka pass continued 6 months and as a result of the defensive fights the pass was held successfully.
The Russian soldiers witnessed the exploits, heroism and selflessness of the Bulgarian volunteers and highly estimated them. The Bulgarian people, too, displayed courage including women and children.
MGIMO - Alma Mater of the Bulgarian diplomacy
By Krasin Himirski
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The hero has returned to motherland
By Rozalina Evdokimova
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Tourism in the boundaries of Russia
By materials of Federal Tourism Agency of Russian Federation
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Russia is a country with a rich history and culture. For centuries there have been traditions in the cultural, ecological, country tourism, organisation of cruises, mountain sports, and balneological health resorts.
The capital, Moscow, is the cultural and tourist centre of Russia. Meeting the Russian capital gives each tourist lots of bright and unforgettable impressions. The surroundings of Moscow are an endless world of cultural, historical and natural monuments - the monaste-ries take special place, they have been the centres of the spiritual life in Russia for centuries.
The most beautiful Russian city is Sankt Peterburg, also called the city of the white dreams. The capital of Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, is famous for its numerous and original fountains.
At the moment in Russia the ecological, the country and the business tourism are developing.
The mother river - Volga, North Caucasus, Lake Baikal, Siberia and the Far East are inseparable parts of the image and the spirit of Russia
Liverpool and Stavanger - European capitals of culture 2008
By Gergina Dvoretska
Page 30
On the 11th of January 2008 under the sounds of electric guitars and the voice of Ringo Star Liverpool was pronounced for "European capital of culture 2008". At that same time the program "European capital of culture 2008" was also opened in the Norwegian city Stavanger. Until the end of the year the city of "The Beatles" and the Norwegian harbor will frequently be in the focus of the cultural news and will attract tourists from whole Europe and the world.
The program of the European Union "European capital of culture 2008" was promoted in 1985 by the idea of Melina Mercury, Greek former Minister of Culture.
Each year one or two European cities become such a kind of capitals. The idea of this program is to feel the common between the cultural traditions, the history and the present of the European cities for the rapprochement of the European nations. As 2008 is pronounced for a European year of the intercultural dialogue, this becomes with a special meaning
Whitestone Moscow - doomed to eternity
By Rozalina Evdokimova
Page 32
Today’s Moscow is approximately 5 thousand years old; the city was mentioned for the first time in chronicles in 1147. In ancient times the city was called The Third Rome. The city called Whitestone became a capital of a very powerful country. Without any doubt Moscow can be pronounced for one of the most beautiful capitals and a center of spiritual culture of the world. Present Moscow is a megapolis. Its architectural image has been built for centuries. The bridges on the Moscow River and the Yauza River are real pieces of art. The most beautiful among them is the Krimski Bridge.
Many centuries ago the city was built on seven hills, which can hardly be distinguished nowadays. Many researchers believe that the city is doomed to eternity because of the sacred number 7. Even though it was attacked many times by its enemies, Moscow always revives form the ashes and the ruins.
Great Ustug - Father Frost’s Motherland
By Rozalina Evdokimova, "Russia today" Newspaper
Page 41
In the northeast part of Vologda Region there is an ancient beautiful town, the coeval of Vologda and Moscow, founded in the distant 1147. This is Great Ustug. Great Ustug introduces to its guests beautiful temples, monasteries and ancient wooden houses. The town is a regional centre of the Vologda Region and has a status of a reserve. Ustug is remarkable not only with its interesting name, but also with its most famous citizen - the Slavic Santa Frost.
As an equivalent of the American Santa Claus, the Russian white-bearded old man also makes wishes come true. Some meetings are arranged between the two of them, on which both of them sign collaborated messages to all of the children in the world. Santa Frost has a large mansion, and there is no lack of fairytale creatures and lots of entertainment there.
The Russian Santa Frost comes out three times a year and the last one is in the middle of June, on the birthday of Great Ustug. The town has organized Russian cuisine festivals for its numerous guests; it has also arranged visits in the Santa Frost mansion and office.
The faithful prince
By Goran Blagoev
Page 43
745 years of the Assumption of Saint Alexander Nevski and 130 years of his celestial intercession for the Bulgarian freedom
His birth name is Alexander Iaroslavovich, but in history he is known as Alexander Nevski. This name was given to him with his first victory. The prince of Novgorod was self-controlled and instead of using weapon he used peaceful means to keep the army of the Horde away of his ownership.
He is compared with a steersman, who kept the steer of the country tight even in the fiercest times and succeeded to keep it whole.
He spread his power over land, which gradually became a unifying center of the Russian country.
In the pupils conscience the image of the faithful prince soon acquired a religious meaning.
A symbol of the Russian suffering and unity
By Goran Blagoev
Page 45
Russians call their country "The Home of the Virgin Mary". For centuries Mother of God has given evidence of her mercy on them by her many miraculous images.
One of the most ancient and honoured relics is the Kursko-Korenna icon of the Virgin Mary.
The Kursko-Korenna icon of the Virgin Mary has been kept in the Znamenski monastery until the revolution in 1917. The dramatic history of Russia predetermines the history of the miraculous relic and somehow, by an indefinite way, connects it with Bulgaria for a short time.
From 1945 till 1951 the Kursko-Korenna icon of the Virgin Mary was placed in the Cathedral of the Russian foreign church in Munich. The holy image of the Mother of God continued to make miracles even there.
The literary school of Turnovo in the history of the cultural co-operations between Bulgaria and Russia
By Prof. Nevyana Doncheva - Panaiotova
Page 48
The literary school of Turnovo marks a whole cultural epoch not only for Bulgaria and the Balkans, but also for whole Southeast and East Europe. Its achievements and traditions are "the second golden age" in the history of the Bulgarian culture and literature. The cultural dialogue between Bulgaria and Russia is a unique phenomenon in the Slavic and in the world’s cultural and literary history.
The men of letters in Turnovo are undoubtedly the most well educated Bulgarian cultural figures, leaded by patriarch Evtimii. They are followers of strict Christian dogmas; they also observe normativeness in language and spelling, beauty and gracefulness in the style of the books.
Today the scientists are on the same mind that metropolitan Cyprian and Grigorii Tsamblak have the biggest contribution to transferring and fulfilled continuing of the literary traditions in Turnovo abroad.
The reformative deeds of Evtimii Turnovski in Bulgaria and those of metropolitan Cyprian in Russia are marked with one very specific historical need of the particular epoch - the need of creating one language - a li-terary base for communication.
Stereotypes and symbols, religion and traditions
By materials of Federal Tourism Agency of Russian Federation
Page 50
The Russian people are a talented nation. Russians have given the world lots of great names of writers, composers, discoverers and sportsmen. Russia is the first country, which has sent a man into the open space.
In the large country peacefully live different religion communities. The Orthodoxy is the most typical religion; the Islam is the second. There are Catholics, Protestants, followers of the Buddhism and the Judaism.
The production of the Russian popular art reveals the Russian national character and the ideals of happiness and beauty. One big part of them has sprung up from the country crafts.
The Matrioshka (Russian doll) has world fame and it is now 100 years old. It has derived from the Japanese wooden doll of the Wiseman Fukuruma.
The Russian way of living has a lot of stereotypes in it. The contemporary life of the Russians is not only playing on balalaika (Russian string instrument) among the Matrioshki and the samovars (tea-urn), sleighing and drinking more watered down vodka.
‘The mystical Russian soul" - these are strong passions and thin feelings, heroism, easiness, illogicalness, leaning to risk.
Famous personalities from Russia
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Mihail Vasilievich Lomonosov
Aleksander Sergeevich Pushkin
Fyodor Mihailovich Dostoevski
Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavski
Ilya Efimov Repin
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdiyaev
Dmitrii Sergeevich Lihachov
Lev Davidovich Landau
Maya Mihailovna Plisetskaya
Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin
Photoatelier presents:
The Photo exhibition of "Sinchets" Gallery, dedicated to the 70th anniversary since the birth of Vladimir Visotski
Page 57
Alexander Fyodorov
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Alexander Rudenko
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Sergei Litvinenko
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Andrei Andreev
Page 64
Yova Cholakova - Gocheva
By Stefka Mechkarova
Page 66
Nikolai Ivanov
By Dochka Kisiyova-Gogova
Page 68
Translated by Dessislava Mircheva, Maria Angelova |
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